Compression Stockings

Compression stockings are specialized hosiery made of elastic fibers which are worn to apply compression to the leg. This external compression helps reduce the diameter of veins causing an increase in venous blood flow and improves the function of the valves found within the veins. Compression stockings have a pressure gradient making them tightest at the ankles but become less constrictive towards the knees and thighs. The result is an increase of blood returned back to the heart and less blood pooling in the feet.

Arteries bring the blood from the heart down to the feet and veins return the blood back up to the heart. In many patients, the arteries are working well to bring the blood down to the feet but the veins are malfunctioning causing the blood to pool in the lower extremity and not be returned back up to the heart.

What causes venous insufficiency?

Veins have valves that prevent backflow of blood. These valves can malfunction and allow blood to pool in the lower extremity.

The main causes for venous insufficiency include:

·         Increased weight

·         Women during pregnancy due to weight gain and increased intrauterine pressure

·         Standing for prolonged periods of time in a job (ie teachers, cashiers).

·         Family history of venous problems

What are the signs and symptoms of venous insufficiency?

·         Spider veins around ankles and feet

·         Tired, aching legs and feet

·         Swelling around ankles, feet and lower legs

·         Varicose veins in legs

·         Brown spots that occur on lower legs (hemosiderin deposits)

·         Itchy, scaly skin on legs

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