Shockwave Therapy
Shockwave Therapy is a safe, effective, common, and non-surgical technology utilizing high-energy, short wavelength sound waves, called shockwaves, to treat tendons, bone and periosteum (the pain sensitive membrane on bone). The shockwave is a physical sound wave “shock,” not an electric one.
How does it work?
Shockwave therapy accelerates the healing process in the body by stimulating the metabolism and enhancing blood circulation to regenerate damaged tissue.
Strong energy pulses are applied to the affected area for short periods of time, creating micro-cavitation bubbles that expand and burst. The force created by these bubbles stimulates cells in the body that are responsible for bone and connective tissue healing.
Healing effects include bone and tendon regeneration, increased blood vessel growth and a chemically induced decrease in pain and sensitivity of the pain receptors. Research proves this modality is extremely effective for most near to bone tendonitis and more so than most of the alternatives.
Plantar Fasciitis 84% success rate:
Conditions treated with Shockwave:
Plantar fasciitis
Achilles tendinopathy
Jumper’s knee (Patellar Tendonitis)
Treatment of tendinopathy
Myofascial trigger points
Stiff big toe (Hallux Rigidus)
Non-healing ulcers
Scar tissue
Broken bones that have failed to heal (non-unions)
Heel spurs
Shin splints
Stress fractures
Enhancing bone healing
Clinically proven to:
Reduce pain
Increase circulation
Dissolve calcium deposits
Stimulate bone growth
Stimulates neovascularization